843. 918. 1382



From the Chief:

Dear Myrtle Beach Community,

During this challenging time, the Myrtle Beach Police Department is committed to providing continuous service to the public. We also are working to ensure the safety of community members and our staff by limiting any unnecessary exposure.

As a reminder, we can take reports for crimes that are “not in progress” through online reporting and to conduct follow-up reporting by phone to gather information and resolve a call. This service can be accessed online via our P2C website, where city residents and visitors may file non-emergency reports.

Of course, if you have an emergency, call 9-1-1, and Myrtle Beach police officers will respond promptly. Our dispatchers may ask additional questions during this health emergency, including whether you have traveled internationally or have any flu-like symptoms. Please report any non-emergency calls to 843-918-1382. When officers do respond in-person to a call for service, they may ask you to step outside to converse as an added safety measure for both the caller and our officer.

Thank you for your continued support. For additional information, please continue to follow us on twitter @mbpdsc and Facebook at Myrtle Beach Police Department and the city government page on twitter @myrtlebeachgov and Facebook at Myrtle Beach City Government. You can also visit our website for updated information on police department services.

Chief Amy Prock

The City of Myrtle Beach has a declared a state of emergency in precaution to COVID-19. Due to these safety measures, our policing will be under different direction temporarily. Read below for more information. For other questions not answered on the page, please call 843-918-1382.

1.     The City of Myrtle Beach initiated OpCon 2 (Operation Conditions 2) on Saturday, which elevates our response to a state of emergency for the ongoing coronavirus health threat.  Mayor Brenda Bethune issued the following directive on Saturday, March 14:  “Upon the advice of the State and Horry County, the City of Myrtle Beach hereby declares that we will operate at OpCon 2 until further notice.”

2.    City offices and facilities will be closed to the public beginning Monday, March 16.  City operations will continue as usual Monday, although that is subject to change later in the week.  City staff should report to work as usual, if possible, on March 16. 

3.     City meetings and city-related events scheduled for the coming week will be postponed to a later date.  Announcements about meetings and events for subsequent weeks will be provided in a timely manner.

4.     Municipal Court, including the new Quality of Life Court, will be rescheduled to a later date. 

5.     Solid waste services will be on their usual schedule this week.

6.     The city’s water system is safe, thanks to the treatment and disinfectant processes.  Water service will continue without interruption.

7.     In addition to the hand sanitizer and disinfectant supplies provided last week at public counters in city buildings, starting tomorrow city staff will use disinfectant to wipe down high-contact public counters and entry door handles every 30 minutes as an extra precaution.

8.     Our 911 dispatchers are pre-screening emergency calls to determine whether any respiratory distress is involved.

9.     One City of Myrtle Beach firefighter is self-quarantined after a tertiary contact with the Grand Strand Medical Center patient.  The firefighter did not come in direct contact with the patient, but someone in his immediate family had limited contact with the patient.  None of the city’s personnel or equipment has had direct contact with the positive patient at Grand Strand Medical Center.

10.  Remember that utility payment drop boxes are available at the City Services Building.  You also may pay utility bills online.  See https://www.cityofmyrtlebeach.com/departments/utility_billing_division.php for more information.  We will suspend water cutoffs during this emergency period.

11.  Visit the city’s webpage, www.cityofmyrtlebeach.com, and Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/myrtlebeachcitygovernment/, for more information. 

12.  Again, please set a good example by following the safety protocols outlined below.  Prevention is the key to keeping this illness in check. 

We continue to be in regular communication with our local, state and national partners regarding this health issue.  DHEC’s website is a good resource: https://scdhec.gov/infectious-diseases/viruses/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19.   

What are the symptoms of this disease?

Coronavirus infection in humans can result in respiratory illness ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases such as pneumonia.  The symptoms are similar to those caused by other respiratory viruses, such as the flu, and include fever, cough and difficulty breathing. 

The virus is spread by direct contact with respiratory droplets that are sneezed or coughed from people who are ill.  At this time, there is no specific treatment for the illness.  Instead, treatment involves supportive care for symptoms.  Efforts are underway to develop a vaccine. 

Currently, it is thought that the novel coronavirus virus spreads from person-to-person between people who are in close contact with one another (within about six feet).  Based on other coronaviruses, symptoms may appear anywhere from two to 14 days after someone is exposed. 

Where can I learn more about COVID-19? 

Information about this new illness is still developing, but be aware of the “infodemic” which often accompanies such a topic.  False information already exists online about the coronavirus, so stick to reliable websites for your information and updates.  Here are several sites to consider. 

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